TÁR — You are a fucking white Scumbag, Todd Field.
I watched the awful film “TÁR”, which is made by a white male director, Todd Field.
“TÁR” is from the protagonist Lydia Tár, who is the first female/lesiban chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic. But her view to art is very conservative and usually evades questions for political issues in classic music scenes. She even publically give a shame on a student who denied to conduct the pieces of Bach because of his gender identification, and call him “A Robot made by SNS”. He yell at her “You are a fucking bitch” and leave the class room.
However, She is not that stoic, she is so mean to manipulate people, to break democratic rules for her sake, and being indifferent to pain of others. This is the set-up for the first act.
We all know where this film would go. Whether she will success or fail, it would be a sarcasm to one who pretend to be a “pure-artist” and uses his/her/their position to push other miniorities away.
So, what is my opinion on this film “TÁR”?
“You are a fucking white Scumbag, Todd Field.”
This film is worse than the pieces of Bach, and being much much like Tár her self. At least, Bach didn`t write piecies for discussing political issues. This film is so lame to portray asians in the streotypical oriental images while raising ethnic issues, to portray “nerds” as low level audiences while cirticizing “high-culture” being pretentious.
TÁR fall down because she made too many enemies and be accused. Then, Where would she go? I DON`T KNOW BECAUSE THE MOVIE DOES NOT TELL CLEARY. The guide refers “Apocalypse now” in a tour scene, so it would be a city in philippines but I am not sure. Why? The credit says that the location is “London, Berlin, East Asia”. Oh, how I am blind that I didn`t know living in a whole same city like London or Berlin, not moving around a nation to a nation. How astonishing, I can go to watch the location where “Apocalypse now” shot in tokyo! And yes, if you ask a question where is the massage shop for back pain to a pharmacist in asia, he probably tell the location of brothels.
So, where would it be the lowest point for the conductor? MONSTER HUNTER ORCHESTRA CONCERT. I thought that ‘no, it would be a fictional, another game’ but nope, monster hunter orchestra is in credits. and in Monster Hunter Orchestra Concert, ALL AUDIENCES ARE IN COSTUMES. Not just a T-shirt, of course, why would not they look like a real hunter! I`ve never seen like such a beautiful scene in my life, maybe I was not a “real” gamer!
In its defence, There were reasons for this. I found an interview with the director where he said that he originally wanted to set the movie in the Philippines, but there was a lockdown in Philippines during filming, so staffs switched to Thailand. He also said that Monster Hunter is his favorite game, and that he wanted the songs in the game, which is written by living people here and now, unlike the classics that were written by dead white men. Also the songs have such dedicated fans who would come in costume.
And have I changed my mind after reading all these interviews?
Nope. Not at all.
If it was filmed in Thailand, You should labeled it as Thailand. If they wanted to portray a MH concert, they should have at least been to a MH concert (Especially for an orchestra concert, Fans rarely dress in that way). TÁR is too lame to make a distinction between the satirized and the satirizer. As an Asian gamer, I reject this movie for exactly the same reason as the student who refused to conduct Bach’s piece because of his gender identification.
Yes, I`ll say it again.
“You are a fucking white Scumbag.”